Last week's Coffee Break apparently hit a nerve with a few folks, so let me begin by saying that it was not my intention to offend any of my Russian Orthodox friends or readers by my remarks.
Last week's Coffee Break apparently hit a nerve with a few folks, so let me begin by saying that it was not my intention to offend any of my Russian Orthodox friends or readers by my remarks.
Eight times in Jesus' ministry He says, "Let him that hath ears to hear, hear......," and then again in Revelation 2 & 3, (in the seven letters) He repeats the statement after each of the letters, "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith...."
As noted last week, Rosa Frankson's death as a direct result of persecution for her faith in Jesus Christ had a dramatic impact on the village of Point Hope -- and for that matter, Kotzebue.
In II Timothy 3:11-13, Paul writes the following: Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.
During the first and second centuries, Christians were persecuted, tortured, burned at the stake, thrown to the lions, used for target practice in the “games” and a whole lot more because they wouldn’t give up their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and they wouldn’t bow down to other gods.
Thinking about centuries of tradition within the church world, you understand that the terms, “apostle” or “prophet,” were neglected and even frowned upon when referring to certain leaders who were particularly anointed by the Lord to accomplish things and lay foundations in areas where there were none.
Talking last week about the expressions you get from folks when they ask you how you are doing, I neglected to mention one other funny that I use on folks.
Invariably some store clerk or business person will ask me how I'm doing when I walk into their place of business. When I answer them that "I'm Supercalifragilistic," I get this double-take.