
17, '12 11:07 PM
By Regner Capener
Felicitations and Blessings to You All!
And another best day of your life while we're at it!
The French Press is full and running
over. Come on it and set a spell. Let's talk.
Actually, I thought I was going to get
to move on to another topic today but realized after receiving many comments
and reviewing some things I'd written that we really weren't finished yet.
That said, here is the theme of this
Coffee Break series from Paul's second letter to the Ekklesia
in Corinth.
"Wherefore, if any [person] be in [Christ] the Anointed One and
His anointing, he is a newly formed creation; the old [nature] has perished and
dissolved away; the whole [being] has causatively changed and re-ordered so as
to become freshly new."(II Corinthians 5:17, my translation
and amplification)
We really have been undergoing a DNA
transplant -- a DNA reordering -- a complete restructuring of our character and
makeup, our personality and our very nature. In short, John's promise to the overcomer as he recorded it in Revelation 3:12.
"Him that overcometh will I make a
pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write
upon him the name [onoma] of my God, and the name [onoma]of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh
down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name [onoma]."
the sake of those who've only been reading these Coffee Breaks for a short time
and haven't heard the definition of this word,
onoma, while
this word is uniformly translated as "name" throughout the NT,J.H.
Thayer, in his Greek-English Lexicon, defines it like this: "By a usage chiefly Hebraistic, onoma [shem] is used for everything which the name covers,
everything the thought or feeling which is roused in the mind brings by
mentioning, hearing, remembering the name -- that is, one's rank, authority,
interests, pleasure, command, excellences, deeds, etc."
"names" and/or "name-calling" are used in opposition, he characterizes onoma -- in
contradistinction to "name-calling" -- as, "the reality of one's existence,"
Thus, we see the prophecy in Revelation
in an entirely different perspective. This DNA change is literally a change of
our character and nature. It is a change of our rank and authority because we
are now "in Christ" and He is in us! It is a complete change of our
interests and our pleasures. The things of this world no longer have an appeal
to us. Our command is altered because instead of now being simply
"followers of Jesus Christ," we are One with Him. That gives us the
right -- and more so the responsibility -- to declare and decree with
Kingdom commands the Word that comes directly to us by and through His
Now you're getting the picture! We
become identified not simply with "the name of God" but with His onoma.His city, His Kingdom,
His dwelling now becomes our habitation and place of residency. We've become
citizens of a different dimension, a different realm.
But here's the best part of this. He
is, has been, and will continue, to write upon us, to engrave within our
thought processes, our nature, our makeup, His new character, His new makeup,
His new identity.
I know. I know. I know. That scarcely
makes sense to us as rational beings. How or why would Jesus' very nature and
makeup change? How or why would His character and identity be altered?
There are two aspects to this that I
will share.
When Della and I got married, we both
went through a change of personality and makeup. Friends like Dwain McKenzie
who've known me for most of my life made statements in the years following,
something like this: "Brother, you sure have changed! You are not the same
person you used to be!"
They could or would probably recite a
number of character or personality changes that had taken place -- most notably
the fact that I was a much softer individual, not so driving, not so brittle or
hard. And I would have to agree. Before the Lord gave Della to me I was
incomplete. There was a constant "search" that went on inside my
being for completeness, for something that would enable me to fulfill my
destiny and be whom I am supposed to be. There was a "search," a
craving, an insatiable desire for that one whom God had chosen as my counterpart,
my other self.
Once we were joined together,
everything changed! There was a release of new authority. There was a sense of
satisfaction and joy in being complete. There was a knowing that -- FINALLY --
I was seeing tangible movement towards God's destiny! I was now a whole being!
That principle holds true with the Lord
Jesus Christ. I've said this before, and I know that there are many believers
who have struggled with the same concept, but from before the foundations of
the earth, Jesus needed and desired a counterpart. There has been a constant
drive on His part toward the day when He would be complete. He designed things
this way, folks! I'm not making this up. This is not some new doctrine or funny
contrivance of my invention.
From the beginning of time itself, all
creation was spoken and set in motion to bring about a desired end -- a people
who would become the counterpart, the other self, the very beloved partner of
the Lord Jesus Christ. This would be a species of being -- a people -- who
would reflect His Glory, be the expression of His love, function just like Him,
flow with His authority and power, and -- ultimately -- enable Him to fulfill
His destiny!
Why do you think the promise to the overcomer is, "And I will write upon him My New Onoma?"There is a process of overcoming that has to be made
complete in us and we must come to that place the apostle Paul described like
"When I was a child
(nepios), I spake as a child (nepios), I understood as a child (nepios), I thought as a child (nepios): but when I became a man, I put away childish
things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I
know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."(I Corinthians
Here's how John put it in his first
general letter to the body of Christ:
"Beloved, now are we the sons
(teknon) of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we
know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we
shall see him as he is."(I John 3:2)
THAT is what this is all about! That is
what it means to have His New Onoma!
Let's get something straight. This is
what Jesus is coming back for! He's not coming back for a mealy-mouthed,
Caesar-Milquetoast, namby-pamby people who behave like cowards, run at every
appearance of Satan or his horde of demons, and are too intimidated to boldly
declare and make the kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of our Lord and of His
Christ (Revelation 11:15).There's not going to be any rapture of the "ain'ts" until He can come and receive what He set out
to have in the first place: a people who are once again in His likeness and
image -- in other words, Saints!
And that is something, the scope of
which, is a whole lot larger than the finite mind can even begin to imagine. Consider
for a minute the onoma
of the Lord Jesus
Christ. Here's how Paul put it when writing to the Philippians:
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a
name [onoma] which is above every name
[onoma]:That at the name
[onoma] of Jesus every knee
should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the
earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the
glory of God the Father."(Philippians 2:9-11)
There's so much in that statement I
could almost write a book on that passage all by itself! Let's see if we can
condense it into a few paragraphs for the sake of this discussion.
Father has exalted and magnified Jesus
and given Him a name, an onoma
that is above every onoma. OK, so far?But that onoma is not just an
exalted name here on earth. He has rank and authority, power and greatness and
glory which Father has given Him above even His own!
Do you see it? Let me preface what I'm
about to share by saying that the word "things" does not exist in the
Greek text. It was an addition of the translators to try to describe ALL
beings -- whether heavenly, earthly or demonic. Now, here we go!"That
at the onoma
of Jesus every knee
should bow, of all beings in Heaven (whether they be angelic or kosmokrator
-- and we tend to
describe all heavenly beings as "angelic" even though that's not
accurate), all beings on earth (no matter what kingdom they belong to -- human,
animal, sea-creatures, plant-life, etc.), and all beings (demonic or of Satan's
kingdom regardless of classification) under the earth."
And THAT is the character and nature
being bred and formed in us by Holy Spirit at Father's will so that Jesus
Christ receives His full inheritance!
[The term, kosmokrator, is a Greek word which appears in
Ephesians 6 where Paul describes our spiritual wrestling, and the term
describes a "world ruler" -- what we might frame as
"principality" or "power" -- and describes a being who
exercises power or rulership in a spiritual dimension
over a city, a state, a country or a region of the world.]
We haven't even begun to explore the
significance of what it means to be "in Christ," or even what the
phrase "Christ in us" really represents. These have become religious
catch-phrases without true meaning in our vocabulary as Christians or believers
in Christ. We know that the Word uses these phrases, and we gather some mental
imagery around us each time we hear them, but having revelatory understanding
of what it is all about is missed in the overwhelming majority of Christians. I
wish I could go there today, but it would take too long (and it really is a
topic for discussion all by itself), so -- once again -- let me draw a brief
As part of Jesus' prayer (John 17) when
He was about to go to the Cross, He prayed something that is stupendous by any
description! Watch!
" That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I
in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou
hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I
have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou
in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that
thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me."(John 17:21-23)
This, my friends, is a merging process
in which we are merged into Him, and He is merged into us. You see, when we
have been made One with Him, we have also been made One with Father because He
and Father are One. That's how it is possible for His Glory to be seen in us! It's
really quite elementary, and yet because we're still stuck with our finite
time-space-based thinking, it somehow goes right over our heads. Once the
transformation of our DNA takes place in the realm of the Spirit, this merging
is no more complicated than breathing in and breathing out! It's what we've
been designed for, folks! It's what Jesus has been after from day one!
This is where agreement -- the
principle of being united in thought, purpose, desire, goal and destiny -- has
such effectiveness. This is where the love of God becomes so manifest and
demonstrated to the world around us. Father specifically set this up so
"that the world may know that you have sent me, and have loved them
exactly as you have loved me."
There's only one word in the English
language that fits this picture -- WOW!!!
Now, are you beginning to grasp the
picture of why and how the greater works are possible? Let's revisit the five
growth processes as we wrap up today's Coffee Break.
We've been on a path and in the midst
of a process that takes us from Brephos to Nepios; from Nepios
to Paidion; from Paidion
to Teknon; and -- finally -- from
Teknon to Huios. Jesus took this path as the "firstborn among many
brethren." (See Romans 8:29)
There are five separate phases here,
and they cumulatively represent God's grace at work. The word "grace"
has often been used as an acronym to represent God's
Riches At
Christ's Expense.
That's really a terrible oversimplification, but in this instance it is apropos
for the process which takes us from
Brephos to Huios.It really is something
that Jesus paid for with His life in order to restore the long-lost path to our
relationship with Father. He took this path and is therefore qualified to
direct the work of Holy Spirit in our lives as we progress from our new-born
state as a "babe in Christ" to the place where we are released with
Father's blessing and approval as "sons in whom He is well-pleased."
And that brings us once again to what
is happening in 2012.There MUST be a release of the "sons of God" in
the earth! All creation is literally screaming for that manifestation. Every
society on this planet wants answers that only God's people can provide. Despite
Satan's deception and the guile he uses to keep folks focused on man-made
solutions, government solutions and processes that so-called "wise
men" devise through their strategies in order to solve wars, rumors of
wars, famine and calamity on every hand, men and women the world over know in
their heart of hearts that the solutions which have been tried are not only NOT
working, things are getting worse by the day.
Thus a cry fills this earth today for a
people who have God's answers for world solutions. A stupendous harvest of
souls awaits.2012 is a year in which we're going to see things break loose with
Kingdom authority being released like never before. Jesus Christ is going to
have a full house. He's going to have a very large family, thank you very much,
and the responsibility and the opportunity have been thrust upon us.
2012 is the year of Huios!
"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD
is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross
darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be
seen upon thee. And the Gentiles [nations and ethnic groups] shall come to thy
light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising. Lift up thine
eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to
thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy
side. Then thou shalt see, and flow
together, and thine heart shall fear, and be
enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the
forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee."(Isaiah 60:1-5)
"Verily, Verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the
works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do
because I go to my Father."(John 14:12)
See you next week.
"The Spirit of God is
preparing leadership by releasing upon them the anointing that rested upon the
sons of Issachar. They had understanding of the time and were aware of what the
people of God should be accomplishing (see 1 Chronicles 12:32). The
Spirit of Truth is releasing revelatory insights for all who are actively
seeking to fully follow God (see Jeremiah 29:12-13).Let me stress again that the
Kingdom of God will not be established by mere words or abilities of men, but
by the Spirit of God (see 1 Corinthians 4:20). This type of realistic
confidence can only come from genuine union with Christ. It
is abiding in His manifested presence that results in our boldness (see Proverbs
28:1)." (Bobby Connor)
Blessings on you!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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