2, 2016
Howdy, Howdy!
Temperature sure is different in these parts. I thought I
was still pretty much an Alaskan, but after this past year in central Texas,
something sure has changed. Got up yesterday morning, and it was 30
degrees here in Selah, Washington. (We are visiting and staying with very
close friends.) Didn’t feel much like it used to when I was a kid running
around Barrow, Alaska.
I remember those long days….uhhh,
nights (you know, the continual days of perpetual darkness – 66 of them in
Barrow)…..during the winter when the temperature would hover around the minus
45 mark for weeks on end. Suddenly, we’d have a heat wave. The
temperature would shoot up to zero. Can’t tell you how many times I ran
outside in my tee-shirt at zero exclaiming about how warm it was.
Yup, times have changed. Or maybe I have. You think?
And what’s all this baloney I hear about global warming?
One of these days, you ought to go on the Internet and check out Joe Bastardi’s commentary on global warming. I’m no
meteorologist, but Joe sure is. He’s tracked the weather patterns around
the globe going back for centuries, and says that “global warming” is just so
much political hype on the part of extremists who are pushing a socialist
agenda. Joe says that the planet goes through natural cyclical warming
and cooling every 500 years. The Weather Channel folks apparently agree
with him on that, too.
Enough prattle. My coffee’s poured, and I’m ready for my go-juice … as
soon as it cools down enough so I can drink it.
during the past 11 years of publishing these Coffee Breaks, I done articles on
prophecy and prophets.
you ever looked at the lives of those Old Testament prophets, or considered the
things they went through in order to convey the Word of the Lord?
Prophets of the modern era – those that are real, that is – pretty much
parallel those from the days of Samuel, David, Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel,
Jeremiah, Hosea, and all.
they don’t run out into the desert and eat locusts and wild honey, like John
the Baptist did, and I don’t think they lay on their side for a year like
Ezekiel was instructed to do; but the Lord pretty much deals with prophets
today like He did back then. They become the Word that they are instructed
to deliver. Their lives often parallel the message they are sent to
got a lot of folks today that dote on End Times, the Great Tribulation, the
Rapture, and all of that; and they get a pretty big following in churches with
all their “prophecies” and predictions. Some people even like to call
them prophets.
Nawwww. Huh Uhh! Nope! They’re not prophets. They
don’t live the word they preach, and most of them have never heard the Lord
speak to them in person. They’ve just done some figuring of their own,
stuck a bunch of scriptures together to make it fit theirparticular
mindset or religious agenda, and called it the Word of the Lord.
doesn’t work like that. That doesn’t mean that everything they’ve studied
or figured out is all wrong. A lot of it is, but that’s beside the
point. That just isn’t how the Lord works.
you see, is a living Word that comes forth from the mouth of the Lord. It
usually gets spoken through His chosen representatives rather than His uttering
thunderous words like He did from the top of Mount Sinai in Moses’ time, but it
is still a current, living, breathing Word that imposes change in the lives of
those to whom it is sent.
change isn’t fear, either! It doesn’t drive folks to panic, and it isn’t
spoken in vague, mystical terms that cause people to scratch their heads and
try to figure out what’s been said. Prophecy – real prophecy – comes
through the Spirit of Prophecy; and that’s one of the five principal attributes
or character facets of the Lord Jesus Christ.
talk about that for a second.
was an Apostle – meaning He was sent by the Father. He was a Prophet –
meaning that He knew the full picture of the past, present and future; and He
shared His plans and purposes for His people. He was an Evangelist –
meaning He came “to seek and to save that which was lost.”
was a Pastor. Actually, a pastor – again, a real one – is someone who
shepherds people, watches over them, makes sure they get fed and cared
for. Peter refers to Jesus in his epistles (see I Peter 5:4) as the
Chief Shepherd.
Jesus was a Teacher. He patiently explained the principles of His Kingdom
to all who would listen. He taught the multitudes. He taught His
the picture? Jesus was what we sometimes refer as the “Five-fold”
ministry all rolled into one person. It was who He was and is.
had these nice, sanitary, religious terms that have been popular during the
past centuries so folks can avoid the use of “apostle” or “prophet” or even
“teacher” because Satan has robbed God’s people through the current church
system of understanding who and what Jesus’ ministry is all about. We’ve
had a religious taboo about using the terms “apostle” and “prophet” because
“those folks back in Jesus’ day were really Holy! They walked and talked
with Jesus.”
They did. But someone please tell me what makes them holier than the
people that Jesus walks and talks with today? I thought that Jesus Christ
was the same, yesterday, today, and forever. At least that’s what Paul
Jesus was Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher all rolled into one
when He walked and talked on the Earth, why is it He is suddenly no longer all
those things? And where did we get this ridiculous religious term,
OK, break that word down. Mission…. Let’s see. The last time
I checked, a mission was what someone was sent to do.
Hmmmmm…. Sent?
Isn’t that the definition of what we call “apostle”? In the Greek, the
word, apostolos, simply means: one
sent forth, one commissioned and sent on a particular mission. So how
come we have to get religious about it and call an apostle a
“missionary.” Think maybe it’s because we don’t want to admit that the
Lord still calls and sends people forth today the way He did when He walked and
talked on the earth? “Apostle” isn’t a title for some Holy office.
It’s a mission. It’s a calling. It’s something the Lord sends
people forth with: a commission.
same is true of a prophet.
We really are going to talk about prophets. I was just laying some
foundations in your understanding so you’d get the picture. The real
picture – not a religious one.
again, the Greek word for prophet is
prophetes. It comes from two root words in
the Greek language: pro,and phemi.Pro,of course, is a common
preposition simply denoting in front of, or before. Phemi
from a pair of other Greek words and simply means: to show, or make known
one’s thoughts; to speak, or to say.
right? A prophet, therefore, is just like an apostle in the sense that he
or she is sent on a mission to speak or to convey the thoughts and intentions
of the Lord Jesus Christ. It, like that of the apostle, is a calling –
not some Holy title or office.
wasn’t into titles and offices. In fact, He specifically forbade the
disciples to engage in the use of titles and offices (see Matthew 23: 8-10)
like the Pharisees and Sadducees did. He forbid the use of pomp and
ceremony, and commanded His disciples to function as servants saying, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”
getting a bit off track here, so let me return to the topic of prophets, and
how the Lord calls them, or deals with them.
apostle Paul wrote, describing it like this:
Ephesians 2:19-20: Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but
fellow-citizens with the saints, and of the household of God; and are built
upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being
the chief corner stone.
so saying, Paul describes those called to apostolic and prophetic ministry as
foundational. That’s what I want to deal with.
order to lay foundations, a builder has to know exactly where he is
going. He has to have the plan laid out, drawn out, and detailed before
him. Jesus Christ is both the Master Builder, and the chief corner stone
– meaning that He has laid out the plan to establish for Himself a
people. As the chief corner stone, he is the guide marker, the first laid
stone by which the entire building gets its bearings.
apostles and prophets are the builders – the construction supervisors, if you
will – who know the plan and deliver the instructions to the workers.
Apostles lay the foundation of the building by virtue of their
commission. They go forth to build, to establish in the lives of people
who’ve never had the proper foundations laid the basis for a relationship with
Jesus Christ. They often work in tandem with prophets who deliver
the instructional, directive, and sometimes corrective Word that steers the
growth of folks in their relationship with the Lord.
those called to apostolic ministry are also anointed for prophetic
ministry. The reverse is also true. There are those whose primary
calling or anointing – as we sometimes call it – is prophetic, but they also
function apostolically.
talk about these two callings for a minute. The apostle Paul describes
himself as one who saw the Lord personally,
“as of one born out of due time,”
that he was not one of the original twelve, but chosen as part of that first
twelve to fulfill the original sending forth. (See I Corinthians 15:8)
of the original twelve saw Jesus personally. They walked and talked with
Him. He was their constant companion. By virtue of their walk and
talk with Him in person, He conveyed His intentions and purposes – the master
building plan, if you will – in a way that none of them could possibly mistake.
purposes, His calling, His plan – none of it – were mysteries to the original
twelve. There was nothing hidden to them – well, almost nothing!
They didn’t know when He was going to come back, but that wasn’t
important. What was important was that they get on with the task of
building an Ekklesia for Him – a cohesive people who
knew Him personally, walked with him in and after the Spirit, and knew His calling
to them. Ekklesia was the calling together and
preparation of a people for a day when they would be united as One in the same
way that a bridegroom and bride are joined.
those first twelve were some who were actually referred to as prophets, rather
than apostles, even though they were all called to apostolic ministry.
distinguished them apart from the rest of the body of Christ was the fact that
they walked and talked with Him in person. They administered over and
supervised the early growth of the Ekklesia as a
whole, and the individual Ekklesias in the towns,
cities, and communities where they traveled.
has changed in that today.
are still being called to apostolic and prophetic ministries for the very same
reason. The religious structure of our churches hates to admit it, and in
fact, we have many – if not most – major denominations denying the existence of
apostolic and prophetic callings today, to their own sorrow and detriment.
distinguishes these people from other callings like those of the pastor, the
teacher, or the evangelist, is that they – like the original twelve – also
experience the personal and visible presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the
course of being called by Him. With that often comes a period of walking
and talking with Him in person – visibly. For some it comes as it did for
Paul on the road to Damascus where the Lord appears suddenly and dramatically,
bringing them to a halt in their normal course of affairs. For others, it
comes as a vision. For others yet, it comes in the form of dreams and
even the ongoing audible voice of the Lord.
each case, there is that distinct and very visible presence of the Lord, and a
very direct and audible call from Him to accomplish a specific mission.
With that kind of call comes an authority and a purpose that cannot be shaken –
no matter what happens in their lives.
authority supersedes the less foundational callings such as that of the
evangelist or pastor or teacher. Those who have the less foundational and
more nurturing callings, however, clearly recognize and know the authority that
comes from those who are foundational.
met folks who refer to themselves as “evangelists” who, in fact, are anointed
with apostolic or prophetic callings. Because it isn’t popular to refer
to themselves as apostles or prophets because of the way in which religious
spirits have demeaned those who are supposedly of lesser importance, some
so-called “evangelists” are really prophets cloaked in the appearance of
evangelists. Same with the so-called “missionaries.” Missionaries
who are called by the Lord and sent forth to do that kind of foundational work,
who also meet the other criteria for having walked personally with the Lord,
are in fact operating in an apostolic calling.
the same token, there are lots of folks running around as would-be prophets or
apostles – and even referred to as such by some in the body of Christ – who do
not meet the criteria. They’ve never heard the Lord or seen Him in
person. They’ve never walked with Him or actually received specific
calling, purpose and direction from Him. Some of them are pastors who
aspire to apostolic or prophetic callings, but simply haven’t been anointed or
called by the Lord as such. Some are evangelists who likewise have
neither been called or anointed to prophetic or apostolic ministry but have
taken the title and position to themselves without authorization from the Lord.
results in a cheapening of the true authority of the Lord because the word and
the results that follow do not measure up. They speak with a supposed
authority, but the Lord doesn’t back it up with accompanying proofs. They
produce a sickly body of people who don’t really know the Lord as He desires
them to know Him. These would-be apostles or prophets produce folks from
their ministries who lack authority and the “signs following” that Jesus
Because they can’t believe what isn’t given in Truth. They can’t trust
what doesn’t come from True authority – the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Lord Jesus Christ NEVER appears to someone in person and calls them to fulfill
a specific apostolic or prophetic mission without giving them the accompanying
proofs of that calling in the form of signs, wonders, AND a healthy body of
believers whose lives likewise produce those same proofs.
it appears that I didn’t get to my goal today of sharing with you the
preparation process that the Lord takes his apostles and prophets through so
they can accomplish what He sends them forth to do. Guess that’ll wait
for next week.
I remind those of you in need of ministry that our Healing
Prayer Call normally takes place on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM
Eastern (4:00 PM Pacific). Our call-in number is(712)
775-7035. The Access Code is: 323859#.For Canadians who have difficulty getting in
to this number, you can call
(559) 546-1400.If someone answers and
asks what your original call-in number was, you can give them the 712 number
and access code.
At the same time, in case you are missing out on real fellowship
in an environment of Ekklesia, our Sunday worship
gatherings are available by conference call – usually at about 10:45AM
Pacific. That conference number is
(605) 562-3140, and the access code is 308640#. We hope to make these gatherings
available by Skype or Talk Fusion before long. If you miss the live call,
you can dial (605) 562-3149, enter
the same access code and listen in later.
on you!Be blessed in the city, blessed in the field,
blessed coming in, and blessed going out!

A. Capener
Sunnyside, Washington 98944
Contact: Admin@RiverWorshipCenter.org
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