If you have not yet joined us in our Monday-Wednesday-Friday healing prayer calls at 7:00 PM eastern, and are in need of healing in your body, please join us so we can minister to you.
If you have not yet joined us in our Monday-Wednesday-Friday healing prayer calls at 7:00 PM eastern, and are in need of healing in your body, please join us so we can minister to you.
A couple of quick notes before we get started today. Last week I opened up by talking about our Sunday gatherings being available by telephone conference call.
Before we get started with today's discussion, let me invite you to participate via conference phone in our spontaneous worship gatherings on Sundays, along with the time of sharing, teaching and fellowship.
Growing up in Eskimo villages in the arctic, snow storms were not unusual. If Sunday came along and we were in the middle of a blizzard, who cares!
Good Morning! We have lots to talk about today, so let's get right to it!
Do you ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired? Do you ever become so frustrated with yourself over the fact that you KNOW what the Word of God promises, and yet you somehow always seem to miss it when you pray over situations in your life, or the lives of other folks? You know what it is, right?
Before we get into today's discussion, I'd like to remind those of you who may have health issues that it would be our great pleasure to minister healing to you.
Once again, I'd like to take a different direction in this study to show you that healing -- and specifically, aphiémi healing -- is a product of and integral to a covenant made by Father God with us through the Lord Jesus Christ.