We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the body of Christ.All of our reference points are changing, and they are changing drastically!
We are in the midst of a paradigm shift in the body of Christ.All of our reference points are changing, and they are changing drastically!
Howdy, Howdy! My apologies to all the readers of this column for the long break since the last posting in mid-June. We have been in the midst of a transition from our location in Prosser, Washington to new quarters, and that transition is not yet complete.
G’Mornin’! In case you aren’t aware of it (and I suspect most of you are), the Lord is trying to get us delivered from our religious boxes, our preconceived notions of how He operates, and what He would like to do through us.
Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning! This is the third in this series of discussions on the Keys of the Kingdom.
Howdy! If you’ve never had to deal with this thing they call “Shingles” I recommend you don’t. It isn’t particularly fun. The Doc says it comes from the Chicken Pox virus I had as a kid.
Good Morning! My apologies for the long delay between the publishing of Coffee Breaks.
Greetings, Salutations and Blessings! How're you doin' this fine day? Best day of your life, right? Yup. That's what I thought.
Leroy Blankenship is an evangelist and Grammy-Award-winning songwriter and singer who has become a valuable part of River Worship Center's family. A few days ago he was ministering in Yakima and there was a gentleman in one of his services who shared the following testimony.