Once again, Happy New Year! Good Morning, Everyone! Blessings on you and your day ahead! Let's not dawdle today and get right to it.
Once again, Happy New Year! Good Morning, Everyone! Blessings on you and your day ahead! Let's not dawdle today and get right to it.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! OK, So Christmas is already behind us -- at least for most folks. (The Russian and Greek Orthodox celebrate it a bit later than most folks, so it is still ahead for them.) We are coming up on New Years Day, and this is my opportunity to declare that 2008 will be the best year you've ever had, and that God's blessings will multiply in your lives, your families and your homes!
Good Morning. WHAAATT a GOOOOOOODDDD week! Uhhhh, Huhhh! Della and I decided that we needed to just get away for awhile this week and be alone with the Lord
Solutions, Salutations, Greetings, Blessings, etc., etc., etc.! In case you missed that, Hi! Been another one of those weeks, folks! Can't seem to catch up with myself. Everything that can interrupt our activities has.
Starting the day with my best Minnie Pearl imitation: HaowdeeEE!!! Hmmmm...... Guess that worked, OK. Anyway, how're y'all doin' this fine and wonderful day? Gotcher coffee yet? Ayyup! Reckon we need to get on with things.
And solutions to you this post-Thanksgiving day! OK. Sure. Salutations, too. Ummm....Hi, there! Case you hadn't noticed, the coffee is filling up the room with that wonderful aroma. Better pour yourself a cup before we start.
How doest thou this great day? Dost thou take heed to the wherewithal of those about thee? Yea, hath God so instructed thee? I've often wondered what it would be like to suddenly be thrust back into Elizabethan times and try to converse coherently with people who talk like that. Strange, eh what?
Greetings and Solutions! OK, Salutations, too. You WOULD like some solutions today, though, wouldn't you? One solution for Della and me is the fact that I have her back in the office with me at least two or three days a week after a very long period of busyness with family and business activities. That means that I can actually see daylight in my office for the first time in months. Whaddaya think?