Solutions! Salutations, too! Hey, you need solutions, don’t you? So, I’m declaring solutions to you. Hehehehehe……… All right. Good Morning! You DID sleep well last night, didn’t you?
Solutions! Salutations, too! Hey, you need solutions, don’t you? So, I’m declaring solutions to you. Hehehehehe……… All right. Good Morning! You DID sleep well last night, didn’t you?
Salutations and Blessings upon you! The coffee is brewing…uhh…steeping in the French Press. Ready for a cup? I believe we’ve got some of those smaller “vitamins” sitting around the kitchen, too. You know…those things they call “donut holes”? Vitamins! Right!
And another Good Morning to you! Coffee’s on! Come and get it! In our last Coffee Break, I laid out the essence of the two dreams that Della and I had on the night of August 7/morning of August 8th of this year.
Howdy, Howdy, Howdy! Wow! Another week has gone by! Already, even. Mmmmmm...........Mmmmmm.........Mmmmmm! Smell that aroma of that wonderful French Roasted Columbian Supremo!
Good Morning, y’all! Up and at ‘em, yet? I’m just getting my coffee started. yAWN!! Trying to wake up this morning. Della is off to a Ladies’ Retreat at Banff Springs, Alberta, so I’m on my own.
The whole concept of Glory is one pretty much lost on the world of today. People have become so rational, so academically-minded, so concerned with human logic that the thought of some tangible – and yet inexplicable – visible presence manifesting on a person gets lost in the translation.
Let me begin today by extracting some quotes that Holy Spirit gave to me when I was writing a book titled, EKKLESIA, THE PREPARATION OF THE BRIDE. Truth -- the genuine article -- can only come by the Spirit of Truth, which is one of the seven Spirits of God. The Spirit of Truth takes facts, takes history, takes events which have occurred -- either in our lives, or in the lives of others -- or, takes verses of scripture and applies them in a manner which brings life.
I want to focus on the fifth of these Seven Spirits of God: The Spirit of Grace and Supplications. The Hebrew word, chen, (pronounced, khane) which is derived from chanan, is both "grace," and "supplications." It represents: grace, graciousness, to have mercy upon, to make entreaty or supplication on behalf of.